Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As always we had a fabu trip to California to see loved family!
germ and milo churning away Joel and Elliot making sorbet
olloliberry sorbet!

G's at the Academy of Sciences

Hiking to Colwell Beach
robot sand man and milo

cold beach!

Casie & Ruby
Ruby! Kitchen!

flower girl

addison google girl

School Starts!

Casie started 4th Grade today!
Casie was sad it was right after her birthday, but alas she is back in!
Yes, I am sad she is going to be gone all day, but then it is a blessing. They both need the interaction and learning process.
I really dont know how the home school moms do it.

"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time , the insane asylums would be filled with mothers" - Edgar W Howe