Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Funk Time

Things get a little crazy at our house. you never know what you will find!
have fun with it,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cookin' with Daddy

This week Milo and Daddy made flat bread,
Milo had a blast since it would puff up like a balloon and
he would push down on it to watch the steam come out Tonight Casie used the Cleaver! This is big time! How many Dads let their Kids use meat cleavers in the kitchen! She did a marvelous job! No boo-boo's at all
and Odie will be happy the collarded greens turned out perfect-o!!

Cousins Rock

cousin hang out time is the best!!
for now they let him win!

Nose what not to do!

Dear Joey,
I wanted to add one more thing to your list of things
NOT to put up your nose. No more buttons!


You are getting this email becasue it is the easiest way for me to update the family on what is going on in the Gedert Crazy world! Please visit, make comments!!
I will do this blog instead of the 360 page! it is much easier to update, and I can post more pictures!!!
Howdy from Pumpkin planet! Lynds fruit farm had a good quanity of pumpkins (altho I have a suspicion they shipped some in from a neighbor) We had fun running around stomping on old pumkins!
pumpkin-weed monster!!

" Why Can't I take them all home??!"

"Found it!"

back home we made a Gedert halloween special.
Gooey Worm Apples!
I was actaully proud when my kids said it was too sweet!


Mijo's art from preschool

another visit with Grandma Great Jean

We had another good visit with Grand Great Jean this week.
after about 15 minutes Grandma thinks the kids will destroy the earth,
so we make it quick. ;)

August 2008

"Mom I want one of these ok?!"
My little blue eyed girl!
Chica's 8th day celebration!
In August, Chica's 8th Birthday party was a blast!

Rock Start theme, how could we go wrong!
Most of the girls got into the groove, aunt Maika did hair, I actually did nails and
the girls posed for the photos, a few thought I was crazy.
By midnight, Mom was done!

Mijo's first day of preschool! It all goes too fast!
by now Chica is a pro! 3rd grade her we go!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Apple pickin' in September 2008

We went Apply Pickin' with Papa in September.
Not sure how this farm makes money with these kids eatin' all the apples
before they make it to the car!

Mijo gets help from Papa!

Little A's first apple, "what do I do with this?"

Grandma Great

We had a great visit with Grandma Great Jean last Saturday. She wasnt expecting us but thats ok. We like surprises. When you live in a retirement home, surprises are good right?
Mijo talked about jumping on my bed and Chica showed off her new earrings. cute.

July 2008

These three are at it again at COSI construction days. Mijo was so happy he did the robot dance!
We did tirepounding at the farm for the stage for the Green fayre.
This is how Chica decided to "work hard".

Chica making a face like her little cousin A.

Mijo and his love for his cats!

We went to Granville for the day. We went on a Letterboxing hunt at a graveyard in Granville . it was fun and the kids had fun searchin' and learning how to use a compass!

Mijo picked his boots today, can you tell!? in honor of Uncel Matt.

"Mom I want this car too ok??!"


So you best watch out for little M! This little Pirate will kick yer booty!
Can you tell he is in love with Jack sparrow right now?!

May 2008 - my nephew is here!

the cutest little man is here as of May 18th!! My sisters little boy was born the day after my day! so that will be easy for me to remember! He is so cute and his big sister is ever so proud!

more for June 2008

We had fun working hard on Sunday at the flying j farm.
We planted about 800 of the 1,000 sweet potato slips and lived to tell about it! Germ and I worked with Elizabeth and Beth and had a good system going. One would dig a hole, the other plant, the other water,and the other one would "smoosh" down the dirt. my hands were so dirty but I was in heaven!

funon the tractor! M's favo spot!

while we were hard at work planting sweet potatoes, the kids kept busy with other work! M loves the rock pile and the sand pile of course!!

these 3 have been friends since birth. I love it when they play together and you can see their personalities develop!

June 2008

pretty summer girls