Thursday, November 5, 2009


Don't be a hater. I know you are envoius of Milo's new jet.
It even comes with it's own "don't ever push this" button,
and his own cannon (that the dog just ate an hour ago)
He played in this box for hours shooting at the bad guys,
flying all around the world. All from a box.

I wish life would continue to be as simple as a cardboard box.
Or atleast that people would allow their imaginations to continue to be this expressive and simple.

Speaking of simple things in life. the kids LOVE the leaves right now.

We have been collecting leaves for our garden from neighbors to pack down on the garden beds. (got some? bring them over!)
So you know who has to play in them first.

yes we found leaves in every bit of our clothes!
but that is what makes it so fun they say

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